Sunday, December 1, 2013

ARE YOU SERIOUS?! Twins sign RHP Hughes for 3 years, $24M

That is the proverbial mystery wrapped in a riddle inside an enigma because he has the mental make up to be a successful starter, but is lacking the mechanics to be a big innings eater in the rotation. This will be one of those questions that’ll have to be addressed during the 2014 season...the kind of question that organizations are faced with when addressing what’s best for the organization and what’s best for the player. Mark my words...the Twins will regret this signing.
Phil has not purged himself of some of the mechanical issues that's affected him once again this past season, i.e., he’s a short armer which affects his endurance, the amount of movement on his fastball, and cuts down on the leverage on his new harder curve. Also, he hasn't changed his shallow follow through which prevents him from having the more desirable shoulder to shoulder rotation for improved control.

Expect control problems, high pitch counts before the 6th inning, and injuries.

OIP (Overall Injury Probability) Breakdown Numbers:

Leg Extension: -6

Hip Rotation: -10

Follow Through: -12

Short Arm Delivery: -8

Deceleration: -5

OIP 2014:  41%

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