Monday, January 20, 2014

MLB Career And Your Soul Path

Do some MLB GMs and Scouting Directors use astrology and numerology as additional tools to find championship level position players and pitchers?*

*That is the question that manifests into a mystery wrapped in a riddle inside an enigma.

Some years ago while researching into this question, I found an astrologer and friend of actress Shirley MacLaine, named Lavandar. Ms Lavandar had discovered many years ago there were individuals whose charts had “star” markings... Pleiadian, star seed, etc. Learning about Lavandar and her charts motivated me to contact her and continue my search for the possibility of identifying baseball talent though astrology and numerology. I’m neither an astrologer nor a numerologist, but I felt like I was on the right path after finding out about astrology and charts from her.

Seek, and ye shall find. Eureka…enter…Mr. Jeffrey Geist.

Not too many years ago, well-known astrologer and baseball fan, Jeffrey Geist, also discovered there WERE specific signs/markings associated with HOF players when he was analyzing their charts as a fan project. Even though he made this amazing discovery, he opted not to pursue a position with a major league organization as he felt like it would be unethical to use it as a tool for an advantage in the game he loved. I’m just fortunate he loves the game as much as I do, and we became friends.

However…I digress, it’s difficult to keep SOME things a secret in baseball…especially from those in the game looking for an edge over the competition. So, I do believe there are some currently in MLB that do use metaphysical information to help build a championship team. Heck, some of them would eat glass if they thought it would help them win a championship. It also shouldn’t be a shocker that some in business and industry also use astrology and numerology to gain an upper hand…in hiring AND otherwise.

I respect Jeffrey’s belief that it’s an unethical practice, but I’d rather see astrology and numerology used instead of PEDs. Maybe it’s true…two wrongs don’t a right. I don’t know.

The jury is still out on that one, in my opinion.

Hopefully, I’ve shed some light on the subject. If not…

Repeat chorus: That is the question that manifests into a mystery wrapped in a riddle inside an enigma.

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