Thursday, December 2, 2010

Muscle Hitting Memory

A considerable portion of the difficulty of hitting a baseball consistely hard can be attributed to the hitter's mental approach, but sometimes a monkey wrench can be thrown in by the mental aspect's ugly cousin, twice removed, muscle memory.
Great care has been taken in developing and maintaining muscle memory at Combat Hitting. It is our belief that muscle memory flaws can be avoided if the correct muscle memory is used and revisited frequently. Due to the complexity of the bio-mechanics and muscles used in hitting, a proper pre-game and practice sequence should be followed. Light running is done before any stretching to help get the muscles in an elastic state. Following immediately after the running and stretching, a hitter should do the most difficult muscle memory movements in baseball which are the swing mechanics. In other words you must BEGIN with 10 minutes of hitting mechanics reinforcement before anything else. It is imperative to understand that fielding and throwing movements are secondary to maintaining hitting muscle memory. It's just like school, start with the hardest subjects first or the one's that require a refresher. Speaking of a refresher, ideally, the 10 minute hitting mechanics review includes the infusion of your hitting mantra helps to sustain an aggressive hitting mindset. Try to wrap your head around this's just common sense, good judgment, and priorities for a someone who strives to be the best hitter they can be.
For better hitting,

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