Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Putting Timing Activation To The Test

In the past I’ve given away freely my Timing Activation via Facebook, Twitter, other social networking sites as well as this blog site. I’ve realized now that giving away something freely may actually lessen its value or importance. People believe that if you have to pay for it, that in itself, places some value on whatever’s purchased. 

It’s time to put my money where my mouth is, per se. To prove the Timing Activation has merit and can manifest anything that’s plugged in as a goal and not just baseball related goals, I’m going to put it to a test on a goal for something that should garner some national attention and hopefully a book deal to help promote the manifesting method of the Timing Activation. That being said, I’m almost hesitant to use a Lotto or Lottery win as a goal because hopefully that will not affect the future of lotteries due to what may be perceived as an advantage for the lotto player, but manifesting money does seems to motivate people.
I’ve worked on perfecting the Timing Activation for many years. It contains spiritual and epigenetic thoughts along with the goal you seek to co-create. As with all gifts and blessings you receive, you should praise and show gratitude to our SUPREME BEING. As a co-creator, your ultimate goal besides the one you desire for yourself, should be for something greater than yourself. For example, the goal you seek for yourself should also benefit mankind in some way. This affirmation can be applied to anything, but I'll include an example for my favorite sport.

For baseball:
An example of a personalized Timing Activation for a major leaguer playing in the A.L. would be...
Praise GOD. I love power hitting American League All-Star third baseman that is bettering mankind and baseball ME. Every pitch is MY pitch (to hit). (I) Expect fastball and adjust to the curve.
For better manifesting,
Del Pittman

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