Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Conditioned Hitting Response

On Deck Circle

It's important to understand that you get your hits here before you ever get into the batter's box.

Begin by reinforcing your slot position swing muscle memory with the MP30 Training Bat (see Jaime Cevallos' Swing Mechanic MP30 blog post).
Now proceed with mental prepping your pre-pitch Timing Activation (see Timing Activation blog post), desensitize your nervous system (see On Deck Drill To Desensitize The Nervous System blog post), and lastly before heading to the batter's box -do a quick depth perception drill by looking at your fine centering-soft centering reference points*.


Repeat before the 1st pitch and after each sequential pitch...the following...

Outside box or half and half if league rules allow:

Night Game… Close eyes for 5 seconds for improved vision (See Retina/Vision Trick blog post)...You may have to remind your 3rd base coach that you'll be doing this.

Situational Awareness:

Know outs and base runners' locations and then look to 3rd Base Coach


Pre-Pitch Recycling Timing Activation (See Recycling and Timing Activation Blog Posts if needed).
Once completed...

Start getting in rhythm with the pitcher, initiate small c knuckle of hand movement (see KEEPING YOUR HEAD STILL IN YOUR SWING FROM THE START blog post) and pre-Oxygenation phase:

Gently shift your weight from back to front repeatedly over your center point (40-60) and draw a small c with your knuckle as you are fine centering and soft centering visually. Continue the rhythm rocking breathing in through the nose going back and breathing out through a slightly open mouth going forward. This keeps the jaw relaxed and prevents teeth clinching which can lead to blurred vision.  (Key emphasis is to do this simultaneously with a controlled, calculated rhythmic weight shift.)

Begin Oxygenation phase  ( see Oxygenating Your Blood With Breathing During an At Bat and Its Importance in Hitting blog), complete Fine Centering-Soft Centering (Focus on Pitcher’s Cap logo & then re-focus visually to the Release Point (Avoid being hypnotized by watching the Pitcher’s Windup)*, and start stride/launch sequence.

*See Dr. Bill Harrison's Slow The Game Down blog post for fine centering-soft centering pitch tracking...

From Pitcher's Cap Logo to Timing of the Release Point:

Identify pitch and velocity

Begin Tracking Mentally…Yes, Yes, Yes, YES* or Yes, Yes, Yes, NO.

You either pull the trigger or you don't, but if you do pull the trigger...

(At contact during your slot position swing in the blocking phase with a firm front side, squeezing the handle in the palms helps add more power as a result of an additional neuromuscular response used in conjunction with compressed organs in the oxygenation/breathing process)

Post Hit:

In the dugout, enjoy the congratulations and the pats on the back.
Then, reward yourself with a cup of water. Funny as it sounds...you should do this.
(behavioral conditioning)


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