Friday, January 11, 2013

Why Recycling and the Timing Activator Work

By combining several of the more popular practices currently in use today and targeted specifically to make hitters more aggressive, I've created the Timing Activator to be used in combination with Recycling.

The Timing Activator must be repeated often  to take root in the subconscious mind. Once ingrained, this technique will become second nature.

Timing Activator  contains  spiritual and epigenetic thoughts along with powerful hitting affirmations. Recycling has been around for more than twenty years, but I've found that adding a couple of important principles that have worked in my life as well as others has made a significant difference in the recycling impact on performance.

During recycling, which can be done in seconds, you'll be giving thanks to a HIGHER BEING. Along with gratitude, your ultimate goal of playing for something greater than yourself does separate yourself from the average player. Perhaps you have noticed doors do seem to open with this approach. It certainly has from my experience. Just as important,  if you love GOD, then you should also love yourself. Scientists as well as those involved in Epigentics are presenting further proof that love is powerful and can alter a genetic make up. Therefore, re-wire yourself to a better career with  love yourself thoughts. 

As stated earlier the Timing Activator in the Recycling routine contains powerful affirmations of developing yourself into a better hitter than you currently. You will be able to “gear up” with an aggressive belief that every pitch is your pitch to hit.

Recycling Example:

An example of a personalized Timing Activator for a major leaguer playing in the A.L. would be...
Praise GOD. I love power hitting American League All-Star third baseman that is bettering mankind and baseball ME. Every pitch is MY pitch (to hit). (I) Expect fastball and adjust to the curve.

A California HS hitter could use...

Praise GOD. I love line drive hitting California HS All-State second baseman bettering mankind and baseball ME. Every pitch is MY pitch. Expect fastball and adjust to the curve.

The Timing Activator can be amended and structured for each hitter’s level and league that he/she plays in. It is used in practice at hitting stations and during a game where it is repeated each at bat before the first pitch in an at bat and following each sequential pitch as part of the recycling process.

If you are thinking that a Timing Activator is a little too “out there” for you, just remember that the practice of recycling was also thought of in the same manner when it first came on the scene. Recycling has become the norm for the better hitters in baseball and fast and slow pitch softball, and I predict that the Timing Activator will also the same success in the future. If you have doubts about it, give it a legitimate try and you will see a measurable improvement in your  hitting performance.

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