Del Pittman
PO Box 2347
300 S. San Marcus
Whitney, TX 76692
Cell: (254) 498-0299
1989-1990 Associate Scout Kansas City Royals
1991-1996 Associate Scout Milwaukee Brewers
Primary task for Royals and Brewers was
to evaluate amateur position players and pitchers to determine their OFP and
provide scouting reports.
1971-72 TVCC
Ontario, OR
1973-1974 CJC
Cisco, TX AA Degree
1978 Angelo State San Angelo, TX BA Degree
Secondary Teaching Certificate
1987 Pro Baseball Scout School Anaheim, CA Certificate
2009 SMWW Baseball GM and Scout Course Portland, OR Certificate
Spent 27 years working as a teacher in
Texas public schools. Currently an Independent Baseball Scout and Baseball
Consultant to Sports Agents. Successfully projected Chris Davis to be the next
Adam Dunn. Also predicted injuries to the Yankees’ farm hand pitcher Jose
Campos. Also seeing a short career for Rockies’ 1st round draft pick, Jonathan
Gray and current Astros’ starter Jordan Lyles due to pitching mechanic
flaws...among others in pro baseball.
HITTING. Inventor of Timing Activation, OIP (Overall Injury Probability), the
ATTAXE Training Bat, and the Soap Bubble Batting T. I have 30 years of
continuous membership in the ABCA(American Baseball Coaches Association). 13
Year Past Member Texas High School Baseball Coaches Association. EX HS and
COLLEGE BASEBALL COACH. From 1989-1996, I was involved in pro scouting before deciding
to focus on private hitting instruction. I have had the opportunity to work
with all levels of hitters over the years.